Application for Certification as Chiropractic Physician’s Assistant

Posted in Latest News on December 20, 2018 .

64B2-18.002 Application for Certification as a Chiropractic Physician’s Assistant.

(1) Any person desiring to be certified as a chiropractic physician’s assistant shall file an application with the Department on board approved form DH-MQA 1148, (Rev 05/18), Application for Certified Chiropractic Physician’s Assistant (CCPA), which is hereby incorporated by reference, and may be obtained from, or the Board of Chiropractic Medicine, 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C07, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3257. Applicants may apply on online at The required fees shall be submitted with the application.

(2) In order that the Board may timely certify to the Department of Health those applicants eligible for certification, all applications, fees, and supporting documentation including transcripts, fingerprint information, prior disciplinary actions, and if applicable, copies of court records evidencing a criminal conviction, plea, or other disposition, must be on file with the Board. The application shall be completed in every detail.

(3) As part of the application process, the Board shall interview the supervising chiropractic physician and the certified chiropractic physician’s assistant applicant about the work arrangement proposed in the application.

(4) Applicants may qualify for certification as a chiropractic physician’s assistant by either:

(a) Successfully completing a program approved pursuant to subsection 64B2-18.003(2), F.A.C., for the education and training of certified chiropractic physician’s assistants, or

(b) Graduating from a chiropractic college which is accredited by, or has status with the Council on Chiropractic Education or its predecessor agency, provided that the applicant has never had a license to practice as a chiropractic physician subject to disciplinary action in this or any other jurisdiction.

(c) Successfully completing 24 months of chiropractic education which is accredited by, or has status with the Council on Chiropractic Education or its predecessor agency.

(5) The application shall be accompanied by a diploma, written verification of completion of the 24 months of chiropractic education from the educational institution, or similar certificate evidencing successful completion of one of the types of education and training programs referred to in subsection 64B2-18.003(3), F.A.C. For the training program, successful completion is deemed to mean obtaining a raw score of75% on a comprehensive examination covering the entire education and training program.

(6) In addition to the general certification as an assistant, an applicant may be certified in one or more specialty areas created by the Board if he or she demonstrates his or her satisfactory completion of education and training in the one or more specialty areas.

(7) Upon approval of an application for certification in a specialty area the applicant shall be charged a fifty dollar ($50.00) certification fee for the first biennium. The biennial renewal fee for each subsequent biennial shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).

Rulemaking Authority 460.405, 460.4165(6), (9) FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.0635, 460.4165(5), (6), (9) FS. History-New 11-25-81, Formerly 2JD-18.02, 21D-18.002, 61F2-18.002, 59N-18.002, Amended 6-7-98, 4-25-05, 7-11-07, 4-23-09, 11-4-10, 12-4-12, 9-30-15, 6-22-17, 12-30-18.

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